Media and Body Image: Revenge Body?

What message are we really getting?

While I've seen the new show by Khole Kardashian, what is message she is really sharing in regards to finding a healthy body and mind? While, I do see a small glimmers in the previews of the show that the participants overcome the idea of becoming healthy for someone else and begin owning their own emotional story, its unclear on whether the masses are grasping that idea. I state that because, this is not the premise of the show, the premise is clearly a gimmick.

 Lets be honest, how many people will really watch a self-empowerment show that the Kardashians have their named attached to? The gimmick is all about having the audience buy in to watching the show, about making money, and not about spreading body positivity.

Here are the facts:

Losing weight in order to get over a past trauma is not effective, in fact its a symptom of avoidance of the true emotional struggle that takes place after any loss. This mindset could very likely lead to disordered eating, that if untreated has the potential to turn into an eating disorder. In my practice with clients I have noticed that once a person begins to loose weight rapidly they get "hooked" on the positive reinforcement of feedback from other people. For example, once they loose the weight, they hear comments such as "you look great" and things of the like, which leads to further motivation to stress their bodies with future weight loss.

People tend to forget that weight lose or dramatic body changes is a trauma within itself. The body under goes extreme stress, which is why a body positive out look/acceptance of the body can be more healing than almost any other practice. The long-term method that shows health in the mind and body is intuitive eating, and practicing loving kindness towards the body.

I'll be posting more about intuitive eating soon!

9 ways to help combat Impostor Syndrome

I've often dealt with feelings of doubt about my performance , whether its been in school, at work, volunteering, in relationships. As I'm headed down the path of self-improvement, working to gain a promotion or simply doing something new, that fear pops up. This fear that I'm bumping up against the limits of my own abilities.

This is a common headspace to be in, one that creates anxiety and is known as Impostor Syndrome. The voice inside my head may start saying things like:

■ “Who gave you permission to do that?”

■ “Do you have a the qualifications to even try?”

■ “Who said you could try to help people, you're not good enough to do that?”

If you suffer from something similar to this, your voice may be telling you something very similar, all directed towards the idea of "Am I really good enough, I'm such a fraud?!"

Moving beyond these fears takes awareness, affirmations, and challenging the belief often. Those that are naturally gifted and dedicated to our skill or talent or work, we often discount its value. Because we feel as though we haven't really tired or earned it the hard way because its something that we are passionate about.

For example, I love practicing yoga and have been practicing for 4 years, I wanted to spread the love to others so I decided to do a 200 hour yoga teacher training to help empower others. Now that I'm a teacher and have the chance to share this wonderful practice I tell myself that:

"I'm a fake"

Even though I know I have years of practice and the training to actually teach.

Here are some ways that I've found help me to practice overcoming these thoughts and feelings:

1. Stop comparing myself to others

2. Remind myself that I am a trained and/or have a skill to perform the task

3. Call out your thoughts by name "I'm experiencing Imposter Syndrome"

4. Remember that making a mistake doesn't mean you're a fake

5. Realize that when you hold yourself back you are robbing the world of the value you add

6. Find someone that you can talk to about feeling like a fraud

7. You're not gonna die from not being "perfect"

8. Keep track on the positive feedback you hear

9. Accept that you have a role in your success up to this point



5 Love your Body Practices

1. Go on a gratitude walk.

In our busy world and life, it's easy to overlook the benefits of simply moving your body with pleasure and gratitude. Practicing gratitude with movement reprograms your cellular biology much faster than just gratitude alone. Movement can make improvements in areas of digestion elimination, serotonin and dopamine. It'll also develop the will center of your prefrontal cortex, making you more committed to your self loving practice.

2.  Eat with the vision of love

Put guilt and shame behind you when you eat, and eat with love of yourself and nourishment in mind. Take a look at the emotional need behind the craving of certain foods and figure out how you can lovingly care for yourself in a pleasurable way, without the need for food for emotional avoidance. Try replacing the habitual consumption of food with an action: try an activity you've postponed, put energy toward developing a friendship or relationship, honor your creativity, explore something new that gives you pleasure.

3. Give yourself an all-over-body hug.

Treat your body to something that your body craves, such as a hot bath with Epsom salts or essential oil body scrubs. Utilize the caregivers around you for a full body massage that its just the right pressure.  As you do these, imagine you're washing and melting self-judgment away.

4. Health the relationship you have with yourself and you body

Look in the mirror and say "I love you". Start by place one hand on your belly and one hand on your heart, and tell yourself out loud how much you love every inch of YOU.  Say it like you mean it.

5. Give your body rest

Sleep when you need to and let yourself rest often. Taking care of your body is not a sign of laziness or not being motivated, its a sign that you are taking time to love and respect your body.


Setting an Intention for the New Year

When we roll into the New Year we often think about making a resolution, however they typically last 6 weeks and don't always come from the healthiest mindset. Where as setting an intention  will help you create more clarity in your life, especially when the seed is planted right before you start your daily routine.

You may now be asking the difference between a resolution and intention. A resolution is typically done forcefully, the purpose of the intention is to have you come by it naturally.

The wording of an intention is different too. Some examples of intentions to set are:

  • I intend to manifest happiness naturally.
  • I intend to respond first, and then react.
  • I intend to witness Divinity in everyone.
  • I intend to lead by example.
  • I intend to be open to success and abundance.
  • I intend to stop taking things personally.
  • I intend to forgive others, and myself.
  • I intend to love unconditionally.
  • I intend to make meditation a more important part of my lifestyle.
  • I intend to make someone smile every day.

Its time to think about where you should fit your intention into your day, So, what if you tried fitting an intention in this routine as the first thing you do upon waking?

In addition its valuable to embody your intention.

So when you open your eyes, ask yourself: “How do I want to feel?”

Is it to feel... loved? Wholesome? Nurtured? Like a Superhero?

Then invite that in your life though your own actions verbally or physically. Make sure to keep it positive and allow for it to evolve over time.

Using an intention every day is life-changing, because you have an amazing tool to use for the rest of your life. Even if you slip up or feel the struggle, you’ll always have something to fall back on.