Therapist Blog

What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Psychological Flexibility?

By: Adam Davis, LPC

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, or ACT (pounced like the word "act")

is a psychotherapy approach that can be of support with treatment related to trauma or trauma-related disorders, anxiety, depression, bipolar-related disorders, and other disorders. The basis of ACT is to help increase the ability, or abilities, to accept your thoughts, feelings, and sensations in the current moment as they are, and identify your values to help link your behaviors to your values over a greater pattern within your life.

With that being said,

ACT does not have the intention of getting rid of anxiety, getting rid of traumas, getting rid of depression, or getting rid of anything painful or anything that feels uncomfortable. Rather, the therapeutic intention of ACT is to help change one's relationship with their challenging experiences and feelings/emotions so that they can get back in touch with a more meaningful life experience. To help change such relationship dynamics within one's self, ACT aims at targeting six main flexibilities which include: acceptance, cognitive defusion, flexible attention to the now, flexible perspective taking, identification of values, and committed action (please see a breakdown of components of flexibilities within slide show/video). Essentially, when examined all together this can refer to one's overall ability to adapt and respond to various situational, and internal emotional/psychological challenges, to continue to live a fulfilling life... also known as psychological flexibility.

When someone is greatly struggling with their emotional, behavioral, or mental health experience there is a good chance they are experiencing psychological inflexibility which is either a great difficulty to one or possibly many flexibility processes. Furthermore, the psychological inflexibility processes are called: experiential avoidance, cognitive fusion, inflexible attention, lack of contact with chosen values, and inaction/impulsivity (see slide show or video for more information). Sometimes if enough or certain inflexibilities are occurring it can qualify for a mental health disorder but not always. 

In ACT, a therapist will use a wide variety of interventions to help a client increase their psychological flexibility, which over time can decrease challenges with anxiety, depression, and many other mental health conditions. Some common interventions include the use of mindfulness, the practice of acceptance, and cognitive defusion. 

If you are curious to know more, I invite you to watch my video/webinar on ACT and Psychological Flexibility in my video I present some ways in which you may be able to increase your psychological flexibility. However, it is important to know that ACT interventions can be tailored to each specific person and not all ACT interventions may resonate the same with each individual. So, if you are looking into ACT treatment services to support you with your mental health, I recommend reaching out to a mental health professional to find out more about how ACT could benefit you. 


We offer a variety of additional services besides brain-spotting and EMDR therapy. WellMinded Counseling also offers the following therapy services:

Brain-spotting verses Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

A woman talking to an EMDR therapist in Colorado. Showing what EMDR therapy in Denver, CO looks like. It also represents the start of brainspotting therapy as well.

If you’ve been in therapy or have a friend in therapy or have listened to a celebrity like Prince Harry talk about therapy you’ve probably heard of EMDR therapy and/or Brainspotting. When we put these two treatment modalities side by side what are the similarities and what are the differences you may be wondering?

Brainspotting & EMDR Are Both Brain Therapies

Both of these types of therapies are considered “brain-therapies”. This is different from talk therapy where a lot of the processing in brain therapies happens on the neurological level. Plus in general, they have less narrative/story sharing from the client that is typically involved in talk therapy. These newer methods work to unlock creativity, process through past trauma, and otherwise make some truly significant progress with your Brainspotting or EMDR therapist that may have grown stagnant after doing talk therapies. EMDR and Brainspotting have been developed around the client’s line of vision. EMDR utilizes eye movements as a form of bilateral stimulation, while Brainspotting focuses the eye on a fixed gaze position. The position of your eyes, or where your gaze is directed, can actually unlock some deeper insights that have not yet been recognized.

A woman walking along a hiking trail in Colorado. Showing the positive outcomes that come from brainspotting therapy and EMDR therapy in Denver. With support of a brainspotting therapist you can start to heal too.

When comparing the two types of therapies it’s important to know that Brainspotting has roots in EMDR and supports reprocessing trauma and retraining the brain to respond differently to emotional situations. Brainspotting and EMDR are therapeutic interventions that help the client and therapist access deeply stored emotional, somatic, traumatic, and often subconscious information. Both interventions may involve bilateral stimulation as well as building somatic awareness. The objective of each type of therapy is to ease the building of new neural networks that allow the client to have decreased symptoms that may be associated with trauma, increase emotional regulation, and be able to sustain being in what is referred to as the Window of Tolerance.

The Main Differences Between Brainspotting & EMDR Therapy

The primary differences between the two involve the procedure used and the role of the therapist.

Brainspotting Therapy

Brainspotting therapy focuses on the neural networks associated with trauma. While EMDR focuses on a specific memory. This is an important difference between the two models in that a specific or detailed memory is not necessary or as important for brainspotting. Dual Attunement is a primary tenant of Brainspotting in that the attunement of the therapist activates attachment brain pathways associated with safety, support, and connection towards the client. The brainspotting therapist applies minimal interventions during the process to allow the client’s inherent healing to occur. Many clients at WellMinded Counseling find this to be empowering, instinctual, and flexible.

EMDR Therapy

EMDR therapy follows more of a passive presence where the client is leading their processing. While the EMDR therapist only interjects when the client appears to be stuck. Attunement is not at the forefront of the EMDR model and isn’t necessary for processing. However, the clients’ ability to self-regulate their emotions is critical for there to be safety in the session.

A woman laughing and smiling with her friend. Showing how EMDR therapy in Colorado can help you let go of traumatic memories. The same is true with brainspotting therapy in Denver, CO.

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing follows a very specific protocol in which the EMDR therapist leads and guides the client through a series of eight repetitive steps. The EMDR therapist applies the primary interventions and leads the client on when to start and stop the rapid bilateral movements. As part of this process, the client focuses on one traumatic issue, event, or core belief while experiencing bilateral stimulation. The client is guided by the EMDR therapist to repeatedly re-experience the issue while being led through the steps in the process. In this way, EMDR focuses more on one issue at a time vs brainspotting which allows for the possibility of organic processing of multiple traumas in one session.

Start Healing With Brainspotting or EMDR Therapy in Colorado & Florida

Hopefully, that helps bring some more clarity to the similarities and differences between the two treatment modalities. If you have more questions about Brainspotting therapy or EMDR therapy we would be happy to explore those with you. Follow these steps to start the process of healing at our therapy practices in Colorado and Florida.

  1. Reach out to schedule a free consultation

  2. Schedule your first appointment with a dedicated therapist

  3. Start healing and feel empowered


We offer a variety of additional services besides brain-spotting and EMDR therapy. WellMinded Counseling also offers the following therapy services:

Addressing Bullying in College: Creating a Culture of Respect and Inclusion

By Emma Miles, LCSW

College is often seen as a time of growth, learning, and personal development.

Unfortunately, for some students, it can also be a period marked by the insidious and harmful issue of bullying. In this blog, we will delve into the various forms of bullying that can manifest in college, explore its impact on students, and discuss proactive measures to foster a campus culture of respect, empathy, and inclusion.

Identifying Bullying Behaviors

Bullying in college can take various forms, including:

1. Verbal Bullying: Hurtful comments, name-calling, and derogatory language.

2. Social Bullying: Exclusion, spreading rumors, and damaging social relationships.

3. Cyberbullying: Harassment through online platforms, social media, or email.

4. Physical Bullying: Intimidation, threats, or actual physical harm.

Recognizing these behaviors is the first step toward addressing the issue and creating a safer

environment for all students.

The Impact of Bullying on College Students

The consequences of bullying extend far beyond the immediate experience. Victims of bullying may


1. Emotional and Psychological Toll: Bullying can lead to anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and

even suicidal thoughts.

2. Academic Consequences: Targeted students may experience a decline in academic performance

due to stress and emotional distress.

3. Social Isolation: The fear of bullying can lead students to withdraw from social activities,

impacting their overall college experience.

4. Long-Term Effects: The effects of bullying can persist into adulthood, influencing mental health

and interpersonal relationships.

Promoting a Culture of Respect and Inclusion

To address bullying in college, it’s essential to cultivate a culture of respect and inclusion:

1. Raise Awareness: Conduct awareness campaigns to educate students, faculty, and staff about

the various forms of bullying and their impact.

2. Implement Anti-Bullying Policies: Establish clear and comprehensive policies that explicitly

prohibit bullying, with consequences for perpetrators.

3. Encourage Reporting: Create a safe and confidential reporting system for students to report

incidents of bullying without fear of retaliation.

4. Provide Support Services: Offer counseling and support services for both victims and

perpetrators, addressing the root causes of bullying behavior.

5. Promote Diversity and Inclusion: Celebrate diversity and create an inclusive campus

environment where students from all backgrounds feel welcome and valued.

Empowering Bystanders

Bystanders play a crucial role in addressing and preventing bullying. Encourage students to:

1. Intervene: Speak up and intervene when witnessing bullying behaviors.

2. Support the Victim: Offer support to the victim and let them know they are not alone.

3. Report Incidents: Report incidents of bullying to appropriate authorities or support services.

Bullying has no place in a college environment that values education, personal growth, and community. By fostering a culture of respect, understanding, and inclusion, colleges can create an atmosphere where all students can thrive without fear of harassment. It’s crucial for institutions to take proactive measures, educate their communities, and provide resources to address bullying and ensure that college is a safe and supportive environment for everyone. Together, we can work towards a campus culture that stands united against bullying.


Therapy for depression isn’t the only service we offer. WellMinded Counseling offers the following counseling services:

Contact our Tampa, Florida office today!

The Power of Seeking Help: A Guide for College Students

By Emma Miles, LCSW

College life is a whirlwind of excitement, challenges, and self-discovery.

As you navigate through coursework, exams, and the various aspects of campus life, one valuable lesson emerges the importance of asking for help. In this blog, we'll explore the transformative impact of seeking assistance, share insights on overcoming common hesitations, and highlight the resources available to support you on your academic journey.

The Strength in Vulnerability

It's not uncommon for college students to hesitate when it comes to asking for help. There's a misconception that seeking assistance is a sign of weakness or incompetence. However, the truth is quite the opposite. Acknowledging when you need help demonstrates self-awareness and a commitment to personal and academic growth. It's a sign of strength and resilience.

Breaking the Stigma

Many students fear judgment or stigma associated with seeking help, whether it's for academic challenges, mental health concerns, or personal issues. It's crucial to recognize that asking for help is a universal aspect of the college experience. Colleges and universities are equipped with resources and professionals whose primary goal is to support students. By normalizing the act of seeking assistance, we contribute to creating a campus culture that values well-being and success.

Academic Support Services

  1. Tutoring Centers: Most campuses offer tutoring services where experienced students or professionals can help clarify difficult concepts and provide additional guidance.

  2. Office Hours: Professors and teaching assistants hold regular office hours for a reason. Take advantage of these opportunities to seek clarification, discuss assignments, and deepen your understanding of the course material.

  3. Writing Centers: If you're struggling with papers and essays, writing centers can be invaluable. They offer constructive feedback on your writing and help you develop your skills.

Mental Health and Counseling Services

  1. Counseling Services: Many universities provide confidential counseling services to support students dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges.

  2. Support Groups: Joining a support group can provide a sense of community and understanding as you navigate common challenges with your peers.

Financial Aid and Career Guidance

  1. Financial Aid Offices: If you're facing financial challenges, the financial aid office can guide scholarships, grants, and other forms of assistance.

  2. Career Services: Career advisors can help you explore potential career paths, polish your resume, and prepare for job interviews.

Peer Support and Campus Communities

  1. Student Organizations: Joining student organizations or clubs related to your interests can connect you with like-minded individuals who may offer guidance and support.

  2. Mentorship Programs: Many colleges have mentorship programs pairing experienced students with newcomers, providing a valuable support system.

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness but a proactive step toward success. College is a time of growth, and seeking assistance is a natural part of that process. Remember, there are countless resources available, from academic support services to mental health and career guidance. Don't hesitate to reach out, embrace the support offered, and take control of your college journey. Asking for help is a strength that will undoubtedly contribute to your personal and academic success.


Therapy for depression isn’t the only service we offer. WellMinded Counseling offers the following counseling services:

Contact our Tampa, Florida office today!

Creating Holiday Harmony: Tips for Couples to Enjoy the Season

The holiday season is a time of celebration, love, and togetherness. Yet, for many couples, it can also be a period of heightened stress, arguments, and tension. 

As a licensed therapist, I've seen how the pressures of holiday expectations can put a strain on relationships. But fear not, for there are ways to transform this time of year into one filled with joy, connection, and lasting memories. In this blog, I'll share some tips to help couples get the most out of the holiday season while strengthening their bond.

12 Tips for Couples to Enjoy the Holiday Season

1. Set Realistic Expectations

One of the main sources of holiday stress is unrealistic expectations. Recognize that no holiday is perfect, and it's okay to have some imperfections. Discuss with your partner what you both envision for the holidays and make sure your expectations align. Then, have that conversation again. (I bet some things got missed the first time!) Being on the same page can prevent disappointment and reduce tension.

2. Communicate Your Needs

Clear communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship, and this is especially true during the holidays. Talk to your partner about your needs and listen to theirs. Discuss how you can support each other and make the season enjoyable for both of you. Don't assume your partner knows what you want; express it.

This also brings up another consideration: do you know your own needs for the holiday season? Spend some time thinking about how much socializing (or not!) you want to do. What holiday activities hold magic and allure for you? Ask yourself those and similar questions before having a conversation with your partner!

3. Prioritize Quality Time

Amid the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of activities and lose sight of what truly matters. Make an effort to spend quality time with your partner. Create special moments, such as cozying up by the fire, taking a winter walk, or enjoying a quiet evening together. Quality time is a precious gift you can give each other.

For couples with children, especially small children, this time with just your partner may be even harder to find. Consider taking a half, or full! day off of work for this quality time together. See what magic happens from there!

4. Plan Together

Instead of having one partner shoulder the burden of holiday planning, do it together. Collaborate on decorating, gift shopping, and meal preparation. This not only lightens the load but also strengthens your sense of partnership. Remember, teamwork can be a bonding experience.

5. Set Boundaries

The holidays often bring additional commitments and social events. It's crucial to set boundaries and prioritize your relationship. Decide how many events you'll attend, how you'll manage your time, and when it's essential to say no. Protecting your relationship from overextension is a way of nurturing it.

6. Embrace New Traditions

While tradition can be comforting, consider adding some new customs to your holiday celebrations. This can infuse a sense of novelty and excitement into the season. Whether it's trying a new recipe, visiting a different location, or initiating a unique ritual, exploring new traditions together can be a delightful adventure.

7. Manage Stress Together

The holidays can be stressful for many reasons, from financial strain to family dynamics. Rather than letting stress divide you, manage it as a team. Discuss your stressors, explore coping strategies, and provide emotional support to each other. Together, you can navigate the challenges with greater resilience.

8. Practice Gratitude

Take time to reflect on the things you're grateful for as a couple. Sharing your appreciation for each other can create a positive atmosphere and reinforce your connection. Gratitude can be a powerful antidote to stress and tension.

9. Gift Thoughtfully

Choosing gifts for each other can be an opportunity to express your love and appreciation. Instead of focusing on extravagant presents, prioritize thoughtful and meaningful gifts. Remember, it's the sentiment behind the gift that matters most.

10. Find Time for Self-Care

Self-care is essential during the holiday season. Make sure you and your partner are taking care of your physical and emotional well-being. Encourage each other to practice self-care, whether it's through relaxation, exercise, or meditation. When you both feel nurtured, you'll have more to give to your relationship.

11. Resolve Conflicts Respectfully

Conflict is a natural part of any relationship, and it can arise during the holidays. The key is to address conflicts respectfully. Take a step back if emotions are running high, and return to the discussion when you're both calm. Seek compromise and resolution rather than winning an argument.

12. Celebrate Each Other

Lastly, celebrate each other. Acknowledge the qualities and strengths that make your partner special. Create a culture of appreciation and recognition within your relationship. This not only boosts your partner's self-esteem but also reinforces the bond between you.

In conclusion, the holiday season is an opportunity for couples to come together and create lasting memories. By setting realistic expectations, communicating openly, and prioritizing your relationship, you can transform this time of year into one of joy and connection. Couples can thrive during the holidays, and with a little effort and intention, they can make the season truly special.
If you’d like additional support during the holidays, or after, for your relationship, reach out to our team at WellMinded Counseling and we will get you set up with one of our amazing therapists.

Visit Marble Wellness for more information! Their team has some tips and tricks to share with our audience and we love to spread helpful tips as much as possible.


Therapy for depression isn’t the only service we offer. WellMinded Counseling offers the following counseling services:

Contact our Broomfield and Denver, Colorado office today!