Supervision Services Colorado
Supervision of new therapists is a specialty and passion of Stephanie Konter-O'Hara, LPC. Her approach is forward-looking, developmental, and empowerment focused. A variety of methods are used, with a particular focus on the self-as-therapist, ethical guidelines, and theory development. Stephanie has sought specialized training in supervision, including her training at The Colorado School for Family Therapy to learn supervision techniques and Colorado laws/ethics for psychotherapy, she is also a Approved Counseling Supervisor under the NBCC. She is qualified and skilled to provide supervision to mental health professionals seeking Colorado LPC licensure.
Reach your goals to become a licensed psychotherapist!!
Stephanie’s approach
Supervision with Stephanie Konter-O’Hara, LPC utilizes a person center approach as well as feminist approach, focusing on social justice issues and seeing the supervisee and their clients through the lense of their culture, and historical information to account for the approach she takes in guiding them. As a supervisor, she use a collaborative model that supports supervisees and consultees in strengthening the skills and talents they already have while also challenging them to develop their clinical skills and theoretical rationale in new ways. Her approach is developmental in nature and draws from humanistic principles and integrates: Administrative Effectiveness, Professional Identity Development, and Clinical Skill Clarification and Refinement all of which influenced by the Self of the Therapist. In the role of supervisor she tends to utilize the roles of teacher, counselor, and consultant when providing supervision.
Individual Supervision
Stephanie provides supervision for clinicians working towards their LPC in the state of Colorado. In supervision will do case reviews, focus on fine tuning counseling techniques to match your theoretical orientation(s), improve your professional identity, develop plans to manage administrative tasks, and identify issues as they come up around self as therapist and self-care. Stephanie will often use personal examples from her own experiences as well as hypothetical clinicians to provide illustrations of different topics discussed (of course with the clients’ confidentiality in mind), Stephanie finds this this helps facilitate growth, by learning from example situations in real-life. In a supervisory relationship, you are practicing under her license, which holds a huge responsibility. Therefore, to ensure best practice for your clients, Stephanie will have information about your clients and they will have her contact information as part of this process. It is very important that your clients know you are still under supervision and that you are required to review your cases with your supervisor. Understanding that obtaining licensure can be a long and expensive process and one required for licensure in the state of Colorado, in order to help you during this process Stephanie offers a supervision fee of $100 an hour.
Group Supervision
Will be held with a few other clinicians where you will not only have my feedback as the supervisor but get the opportunity to hear other peoples experiences in the field, and potentially grow in your relationships with other therapists. All of the information shared above for individual supervision is still true, and the added bonus of group supervision is the cost is less, fee for group supervision is $75 for 90 minutes. Time of group supervision is bi-weekly on Thursdays from 1-2:30 pm
NOW RECRUITING interested clinicians! Please contact Stephanie Konter-O'Hara for more information or to sign-up.