Therapist Blog


Forming Healthy Boundaries

Here are a couple tips to help get you started setting boundaries:

  1. Place value in yourself.

  2. Become aware of your emotions and what they mean.

  3. Be specific when you set a boundary.

  4. Be firm, but kind.

  5. Be ready, willing, and able to back up your words with actions.

In order to help you form this type of connect, self esteem and self worth is the best first step.

Benefits of Healthy Boundaries in a Relationship

Reasons why you'd want a relationship with healthy boundaries? Well it would look very similar to this list, most of the time:

  • You'd most likely feel calm, centered and focused. As well as safe, supportive, respectful, nonpunitive and peaceful.

  • You may feel taken care of, wanted, unconditionally accepted and loved just for existing and being alive.

  •  You feel part of something and not alone in your connection with other individuals.

  • You experience forgiving and being forgiven with little revenge or reminding of past offenses.

  • A relationship has a sense of directedness with plan and order.

  • You experience being free to be who you are rather than who you think you need to be for the other.

  • Encourages your personal growth and supports individuality