How can video and role-playing games assist with mental health issues?

By: Andorra Turner

Video games and role-playing games can be used as a tool to assist with mental health issues! But how?

Video games and “nerd culture” are often criticized or demonized. Many believe that video games can incite violence, or that the escape that people often find within games is too much of a distraction from everyday life. However, when games or media are used mindfully, and with intent, they can be powerful tools to work through some problems that may be difficult to overcome on your own.

Often, games and media can be a tool for us to escape anxiety or trauma.

When our thoughts or feelings are too much to handle, games can be an easy way out. That escapism can be taken too far, to the point where we avoid making changes or asking for help from our support system. However, games, when played with intent, can be a safe way for us to meet our emotional needs. Consider the number of people who used games like Animal Crossing to spend time with friends during the height of the pandemic. From my personal experience, I found the game Spiritfarer allowed me to process the feeling of grief in a way that felt different, and often more comfortable, than talking to someone. It’s likely that most gamers you meet have had similar emotional experiences with video games.

Man and woman playing fooseball.

Geek Therapy is a new modality

It has only been around for about a decade, that incorporates “geek culture” into therapy sessions. Geek Therapists may use games or popular media to build rapport with clients, especially younger children who may struggle in therapy. They can even use role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons to have group therapy sessions where clients of any age can work through things like ADHD, social anxiety, or trauma while playing a character. Often it can feel safer, and more enjoyable, to role-play as a character, but role-playing allows these clients to work through real-life issues.

There are more geek therapists out there than you may realize! If you find that aspects of geek culture are important to you, it may be worth it to find a therapist who understands that. There may even be a therapist near you who hosts therapeutic tabletop RPG sessions!



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