Interview with Melissa Preston

Melissa Preston has been in private practice for almost 3 years, focusing on the nutrition and emotional aspects of those suffering from eating disorders. She practices near Capitol Hill in Denver and works primarily with individuals over the age of 18.

Q. Why did you go into this field?

A. I started out as a dietitian, went to undergrad in dietitian, did it for 7 years, but ended up being super bored and wasn't really my passion, through this experience I was able to be around individuals that needed counseling, and when their emotions related to food, that felt me feeling in passioned to help them.

struggled with own eating disorders from 16-26, finished in 2013 and decided to go straight into private practice for eating disorders. 

Q. What are you finding interesting right now?

A. How therapy has been focusing in the moment, and whether clients are able to process things in the session, and that has helped clients improve most quickly

Q. Who do you serve?

A. Practice with men and women ages 18+, to focus on the individuals since I feel like I work best with them 

Q. Where are you headed, what are you working on?

A. Feel like I am exactly where I need to be, and love that I am pretty much referral based, which I enjoy. I'd love to have it be 100% referral base. I feel lucky to be where I am. 

Q. If every client in the world was reading this, what is one thing you'd like to share?

A. There is hope for you, and with every client that is suffering, to know it wont always be this way, and it will and can get better, and that you can be in recovery, finding your authentic self and voice is definetly possible.