WellMinded Counseling – Colorado Counseling

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Days 14-21 of the Be Kind to Yourself Challenge

The last half of the month I was having some days that I struggled to find a new thing to do that was relaxing. Apparently, I'm more a creature of habit then I thought, so it was good that I was able to self-reflect on that and perhaps can continue to push myself to go outside of my bubble when I think if acts of self-care. I hope that if you were able to follow along that you were able to gain some new insights for yourself, and if you missed it, feel free to go on your own journey starting right when you read this. Its never to late to start. 

Day 14: Writing... For me, writing is therapeutic perhaps even more so at times than talking things out. Also, I view it as a vehicle to share information with other people that can be nicely organized and is hopefully easy to digest. 

Day 15: Coloring... This was a simple one to enjoy, perhaps adding music to it would have been impactful, however, I enjoyed the quite and the colors. I think at times we prevent ourselves from enjoying simple things by judging how we do them. I've practiced letting go of that as often as I can and just let myself create.   

Day 16: Face Mask... These are always nice since it practically forces you to at least be mindful of how your skin feels for 15 minutes. I think a great practice of body awareness that we can often miss out on is how our body feels when we touch things or things touch us. For example, how do our feet feel on the ground, and notice that not only when we notice discomfort but also peace. 

Day 17: Singing Bowl...This is a practice of patience due to the attention to where you are moving the mallet, to the speed of the mallet and to the position of the bowl. Anything that takes attention to detail can really help distract you from negative thinking if you do it mindfully.

Day 18: Ran and Joined a Team...Being apart of a movement or a team has always helped me feel like I'm connected to something bigger than myself. That sense of community helps humble me and know I cannot do everything on my own, no matter how much like Wonder Women I like to believe I am. 

Day 19: Essential Oils... Having essential oils diffusing I feel helps set the tone and intention for my day even stronger than stating an affirmation. I consider it an added plus to the emotional work I practice and help guide others along. 

Day 20: Healthy Meal on the Run... Although this was not a planned act of kindness I was able to find the beauty in taking care of myself. We have to do it every day if we want to thrive, even when we are so busy we run out of time to sit and enjoy each meal. 

Day 21: Podcasts... Today was a difficult day, and I needed this time for myself to just veg out to something I enjoy doing listening to inspirational and interesting people speak about their experiences and words of wisdom. This is especially powerful for me when I feel like I've run out of words that are helpful myself.  

Days 22 to 30 will follow tomorrow.