WellMinded Counseling – Colorado & Florida Counseling

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Be Kind To Yourself 30 Day Challenge #LoveMyself18

Each day starting March 1, 2018 I will be practicing a challenge that I encourage you to join. 30 Days of Self-Love, Self-Acceptance, and Kindness to myself.

Reasons why this is important:

1. When you love yourself, the world changes around you. When you see things through the perspective of self love you won't find yourself beating yourself up and that things will seem lighter and brighter each day since you will have less heaviness of self negativity weighing you down.

2. It will help you reach other goals you've set for yourself. Research has found that building yourself up instead of tearing yourself down can lead to better health decisions. Often times we think flogging ourself for our short comings will motivate, when the exact opposite is found to be true. 

3. It can help you procrastinate less. Research suggests that self-compassion can reduce the stress that leads us to procrastinate or avoid responsibilities. This is because it helps us recognize the true downside of the habit without putting us in a negative thought spiral. Try a little self-affirmation, which has been shown to increase problem-solving skills when you’re stressed. 

4. Help you stand up for yourself when you need or want to advocate for yourself. If you believe in yourself you'll believe in your causes and be willing to stand up and say something rather than sit on the sidelines. 

5. Being kind to yourself will motivate you to be kind to others. In general when you feel good, you'll want to spread that joy and love, and you'll find yourself helping others not out of obligation or to have people like you, but to help them feel the same joy you do. 

Now you may be asking well what do I do to Be Kind to Myself, follow along on my blog and Facebook page for ideas of things you can do. 

At the end of the 30 Day challenge of practicing Being Kind to Yourself #LoveMyself18 with one act of self love, I will release an Intensive 5 Day Challenge of Self-Acceptance email series. So start practicing one act of kindness to have access to the email series.